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Isaac, B.: The limits of empire. The Roman army in the East. Revised edition. Oxford 1992 (1st ed. 1990) [I. Rome and Persia, pp. 19-53; Nomad tribes not a source of trouble before the fourth century, pp. 68-77; V. Enemies and allies after Septimius Severus, pp. 219-268; Nomad allies, pp. 235-249; Byzantium and Persia, pp. 260-264]

Lightfoot, C.S.: Tilli - A Late Roman Equites Fort on the Tigris? In: Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986. Eds.: Freeman, P.W.M. and Kennedy, D.L. (2 Bde.). Oxford 1986 (=BAR International Series, 297. =British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph, 8), pp. 509-529*

Parker, S.T.: Retrospective on the Arabian Frontier after a Decade of Research. In: Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986. Eds.: Freeman, P.W.M. and Kennedy, D.L. (2 Bde.). Oxford 1986 (=BAR International Series, 297. =British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph, 8), pp. 633-660*

Parker, S. T.: Romans and Saracens. A history of the Arabian frontier. Winona Lake 1986 (=American Schools of Oriental Research Dissertation Series, no. 6)

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[Abstract: Excellent discussion of Rome's Parthian frontier with several good maps*]

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Wolff, C.: Legio III Parthica. In: Les légions de Rome sous le haut-empire. Actes du congrès de Lyon (17 - 19 Septembre 1998) rassemblés et édités par Yann Le Bohec avec la collaboration de Catherine Wolff. Vol. I - II. Lyon, Paris 2000 (=Collection du Centre d' Études romaines et gallo-romaines, N. s. 20.), pp. 251-252*

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James, Simon T.: The arms and armour from Dura-Europos, Syria. London, University College Ph. D, 1991
Abstract: The arms and armour discovered during the excavations at the Roman frontier city of Dura-Europos, Syria, by Belgian, French and American archaeologists between the wars constitute one of the most important but least studied assemblages of the kind ever found. Little of it has ever been published. Most of the finds can be associated with the events surrounding the final destruction of the city by the Sassanians, which can be dated to the mid-250s AD. This close dating of a large body of arms is unparalleled in the Roman Empire. It is also the only really large group of Roman armour from the whole of the Eastern Empire. Most of the arms were deposited in contexts which prove they belong to the Roman defenders, but a handful belong to the Persian attackers, not least an important iron helmet, the first well-dated Sassanian head-piece. Other items, such as the cane shields, are hard to definitely attribute to either side. The material is extremely rich and diverse, the special conditions of burial of many items preserving delicate organic elements including shield paintings and arrow fletchings, allowing a much better understanding of the technology and appearance of Roman weaponry. There are a number of unparalleled complete items, such as the famous scutum and the horsearmours. The size, preservation, close dating and Eastern provenance of the collection combine to give it unique value to military archeologists. However, close study of the evidence for the historical context of the siege demonstrates that the archeological remains left by the defenders cannot, as hoped, be linked with the copious documentary evidence from the site. We do not know the exact identity of the Roman units defending the city. The Roman weaponry is in many respects indistinguishable from that used on the European frontiers of the Empire. Were the defenders European expeditionary troops, or Eastern troops wearing identical equipment ? The answer lies in further research into the archaeology of the eastern army, whose weapons are reárely found. The Dura assemblage will be the yardstick against which new finds will be measured. (Index to Theses 42-5272)*

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III. The Bactrian satrapies of eastern Tapuria and Traxiane.
IV. Seleucid administrative subdivisions.*

Wolski, J.: Les Iraniens et le royaume gréco-bactrien. In: Klio, 38, 1960, pp. 110-121*

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c.Sogdische Staaten

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