Court art of Sogdian Samarqand in the 7th century AD

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Western wall

Tentative reconstructions of the western wall

Below we present two variants of tentative reconstructions for the western wall. Each sketch is accompanied by a second one with indications of the complementary zones:

Variant I

reconstruction of western wall (M.Mode 2002)

Variant I (with additions indicated)

reconstruction of western wall (M.Mode 2002)

Variant II (pereferable)

reconstruction of western wall (M.Mode 2002)

Variant II (with additions indicated)

reconstruction of western wall (M.Mode 2002)

We are well aware that all reconstructions must remain highly subjective. The additions proposed in the above sketches are based on our discussions on the other pages concerned with the western wall paintings. Please compare our conclusions page, too.

Notes:     1. The two deities indicated in the upper centre of the sketches are not intended to point to specific gods or goddesses.
2. The two rulers we have inserted shall only indicate their presence, all details of them are absolutely fictitious. The same rule shall apply to the two symbolic devices (upper parts).
3. The different shadings of the persons do not reflect the actual colors of the paintings.

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